I now have instant access to God


“For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.” Ephesians 2:18

Do you ever get frustrated with artificial intelligence? You call a customer service phone number and talk to a computer that mimics the cognitive functions of human beings? After pushing several buttons and being placed on hold, you are finally able to talk to a live person. Thankfully, Christians do not have to worry about such delays when it comes to talking to God in prayer.

After addressing how Jesus reconciled Jews and Gentiles to one another and to God through the Cross (Ephes. 2:14-16), the apostle Paul focuses on their equality before God. He writes, “For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father” (Ephes. 2:18). Both Jewish and Gentile believers have direct “access” to God “the Father” through Jesus’ death on the Cross.

Before the Cross, access to God was through Judaism, but now access is “through” Christ by the Holy “Spirit” for all who believe in Jesus for salvation regardless of culture or background. The word “access” (prosagōgḗ) means to “come towards (near) and have intimate (face-to-face) interaction” with God.

Imagine trying to make an appointment with the President of the United States of America. You telephone the White House, tell them who you are and that you would like to make an appointment. Then the questions bombarb you: “Who are you? Where are you from? What is the nature of your inquiry? Can anyone else help you? He’s very busy.” “I know he’s busy …”

But if the President’s son calls him, that’s not the kind of response he will get. It will be, “Oh yes, I’ll put you right through.” His kids can ring up and just say, “Hey, dad, I’ll be there in 5 minutes. I’m gonna pop in and see ya.” They can walk right past the security guards and secretary into their father’s oval office because they are children of the world’s most powerful leader.

That’s the kind of access we have with God. This is such a magnificent privilege for all Christians. We do not need to go to God through a priest, a pastor, or some other spiritual leader. All believers in Jesus can approach God directly now as His children because Jesus’ shed blood removed the barrier between us and God. We can now enter God’s throne room in heaven through prayer anytime, anywhere, about anything. No one can keep us from entering God’s presence, and nothing can keep God from answering our prayers.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for the direct access I now have into Your presence in heaven through the shed blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who enables me to go to You in prayer at anytime about anything. No one can keep me from approaching You in prayer and nothing can keep You from answering my prayers. This is such an awesome privilege that I do not want to take it for granted. I look forward to our next conversation soon. I love You PaPa. In Jesus’ name. Amen.